This person being interview for this segment was knasty, pretty sure you all know her by now.
1) if you could be any serial killer , who would it be ?
- dont know any serial killers
2) when you think of me what comes to mind ?
- bitch
3) would u be my boyfriend if this world was just filled with girls ?
- heck yea
4) Did Danger smash YOUR homies ?
- i think so thats what bobby told me
5) Would you put your panties on ebay and sell them for $50 if i asked you too?
- yes only if i can keep thee money
6)Do you think sunnee will ever replace you as my closet friend ?
7) Would you do a drive-by with miley cyrus ?
- i'd do a driveby ON miley cyrus. feck her caah
8) Would you cheat on froggy ?
- TF NO! my babe foreveeeer lol
9) Why do all homeless ppl smell the same ?( bbq sause )
- they dont
10) Do you know what killed Michael Jackson ?
- Life
11) If you can rob anybody in the world , who would it be ?
- yu
12) how much do you love me ?
- not enouqh time in thee world to say
13) would you go to a all boy school, being that you are the only boy ?
- im a qirl foo
14) whats your favorite flower ?
- sunflower of course
15) are you tired of me ?
- at times
16) Do you know .. the muffin man ?
- yes. i slept with him last niqht. he qives qood heead btw. :x
feeback ?
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